2021 Maifest – A Great Success

On May 15, the weather was beautiful … the brats were sizzling on the grills … the beer was cold … the pretzels were hot … the sauerkraut was tasty … and everyone was eager to celebrate in Gretna. What a wonderful Maifest we had on the GACC’s Fifth Street parking lot! Hundreds of people showed up to enjoy the day.

Eric Hahn and the Bayou Bavarians played everyone’s favorite German music, with Eric leading the way on his accordion.

When the day came to an end, our visitors drank 25-1/2 cases of beer, 300 pretzels, 540 grilled brats and 7 gallons of sauerkraut. In fact, our Wersteiner Pilsner beer sold out, as did our homemade sauerkraut seasoned with pork roast. There were lines of people eager for food and drink the entire day. Our two volunteers at the brat grilling station were very busy, and we tip our hats to board members Robert Kallies and Michael Schäferkötter for their work.

Danke Schoen to our team of volunteers who set up the tables, chairs and tents, baked the pretzels, cooked the sauerkraut and served the beer and food.

Our next festival will be Saturday, October 9, when we celebrate Oktoberfest from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Make plans to join us!


Visit Our Museum

Step inside the GACC Museum and go back in time to 1721, when German immigrants first settled in Louisiana. You’ll learn about the waves of German pioneers that followed them to establish homes, farms and businesses across the river from New Orleans. Entry is free of charge to our museum, open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday.

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