GACC Building Missed By Tornado

GACC Front Doors with Christmas Decorations - Willkommen

Friends, the tornado that hit Gretna this week missed our GACC building, and we have our power back on. So, all is well, and we are still planning to have our Christmas party tomorrow, Saturday, starting at 6 p.m. Despite the storm damage in parts of our city, we can be thankful that there were no fatal injuries in Gretna. So let’s celebrate the season and the friendships that mean so much to us.


Visit Our Museum

Step inside the GACC Museum and go back in time to 1721, when German immigrants first settled in Louisiana. You’ll learn about the waves of German pioneers that followed them to establish homes, farms and businesses across the river from New Orleans. Entry is free of charge to our museum, open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday.

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