GACC Maifest 2025
Maifest! The German-American Cultural Center in Gretna is presenting its annual Maifest Beer Garden on Saturday, May 10. The festivities happen from 10 am to 3 pm at 519 Huey P. Long Avenue in Gretna. Admission is free. Enjoy German music. German beer and wine, grilled brats, homemade sauerkraut and baked pretzels will be available for purchase.
FRIDAY, MAY 9 … Time for May Pole dancing!
Two May Poles with colorful ribbons will be on display on the Huey P. Long neutral ground between Sixth and Seventh Streets. School children from the Ruppel Academy will gather to learn the May Pole dance from Gretna Mayor Belinda Constant.
SATURDAY, MAY 10 … Our annual Maifest Beer Garden
will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the Sixth Street parking lot at the center, 519 Huey P. Long Avenue. Our team of wonderful volunteers will be making sauerkraut, grilling brats, and baking pretzels to sell, along with German beer, wine, soft drinks and water. Admission is free and there will be wonderful German music. So dress for the Fest and join us on May 10!